Every specialty is assigned a focused editorial team of physicians, comprised of a coordinating editor, authors, and reviewers.
Each month, editors select studies and articles from leading journals based on their relevance in practice.
Succinct written summaries provide critical commentary and advice on how to apply the information in practice. Reviewers also record supplemental audio, communicating any practice changes necessary to ensure quality care.
Each summary is vetted by both the coordinating editor and our team of staff editors, verifying accuracy and clear communication of key findings.
New reviews — including important updates on treating chronic diseases — are published at least once a month. Twice a year, our team produces special issues covering must-know topics, such as opioid use, medical ethics, etc. In many cases, Practical Reviews updates new research faster than other sources.
We love to hear from our subscribers, who share comments and ask questions of the reviewer or the author of the original article. All feedback is formally addressed, with changes and additions incorporated as needed.